While P+ Studio is focused on the creation of research and performance based design solutions from products to architecture to urban design, P+ Consulting supports clients with strategic and tangible support in R&D.
We are positioned at the interfaces of project delivery, product development, and process optimization. Through our services, we aim to close acknowledged gaps between governmental, industry, and academic ambitions to change the way we design, construct and operate the build environment.
We have already supported ambitious governmental transformations in the US through funded research by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and initiated and overseen shared work between industry and academic partners funded by the EPSRC and Innovate UK.
We have also consulted undergraduate, graduate, and post professional educational programs at top ranked universities and beyond. Some of our past collaborators include the Laing O'Rourke Young Guns, UK Green Building Council Flagship Program, the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, and University College London Design for Manufacture Masters Program.
We understand the different approaches industry and academically led research and development are taking and we lead them to meet their future challenges head on.